Resume. That word can make even the most self-assured person cringe. A quick internet search will return a variety of conflicting advice: keep it simple, make it pop; fit your information on one page, offer as much information as you can. No wonder it’s such a guessing game to know how to make your resume stand out.
Regardless of the design or length you choose, there is one guideline you should always follow: customize your resume to match employer preferences. That means you may need to do some creative editing on your resume, saving more than one version. With computerized Applicant Tracking Systems and busy hiring managers, you cannot afford to take the one-resume-fits-all approach.
The good news is – customizing your resume doesn’t have to be a daunting task! Here are 3 easy ways to customize your resume that will emphasize your fit for the job.
Match the job title and other key words identically.
Place the job title, using the company’s precise wording, just below your name and contact information at the top of the resume. If you are seeking a Medical Assistant position but the employer has labeled the position Administrative Medical Assistant, do the same. This will grab the immediate attention of a potential employer or key word-matching tool used to prescreen applicants.
Similarly, identify key words throughout your resume that you can adjust to the exact wording of the employer’s job advertisement. Update your skills and qualifications, and consider where you can add information about other attributes mentioned by the company.
Rethink your skills placement.
Create a special section on your resume to list your skills and qualifications. Place this section in the top half of the first page. Once a recruiter or hiring manager takes the time to review your resume, you have an average of 10 seconds to stand out. This is no time to bury your skills and qualifications in with your job history. Your skills are what make you stand out – so make sure they stand out, too!
Save your resume with the right title.
With such a focus on key words, it should come as no surprise that having the right key words in your document title is equally as important. You should save your resume as your name and the job title to which you are applying. JaneSmithMedicalAssistant stands out and emphasizes your fit for the job much better than Resume2017. Consider what the employer sees the first time they receive your resume. Does it showcase what you want them to remember?
Follow these three easy tips to customize your resume, and increase your chances of landing an interview!